Spring is in the air
New exciting arrivals are coming in almost on a daily basis now, which is always an exciting time for anyone who is in the fashion industry. As the boxes arrive it’s almost like Christmas, oohing and aaahing over the new styles, colours and prints.
Colours and prints are a huge part of this Spring/Summer season and I think the variety is what makes this new range exciting. There’s something new for everyone. Today, it is starting to feel like Spring. I look at the landscape through my window, I see daffodils under the trees in bloom, so I’m going to focus on pretty Spring-like prints today.
Soft, pretty and floral prints makes for a new addition that can certainly lighten things up after the winter days. Gorgeous soft peaches, pinks and corals are all glorious colours and is a lovely tone for most of us to wear, adding some softness and femininity to your look for Spring.
Each season with new styles and colours coming out, it is about who or what you want to be this season. Just because you might have always worn very functional colours, it doesn’t mean you have to continue to do so. Often when you wear something new or out of the ordinary, you will be delighted with the responses of people around you as they see the new you!
You can add a print easily now by wearing it with Denim, then as the days warm up change the Denim out to White Denim.
Also, try to keep your shoes light & bright, or the new nude which is currently loved by myself. Remember, soft and pretty goes right through to the feet!
I have just purged my wardrobe and accessories making way for a lighter, brighter perhaps more colourful season ahead, and colour is a wonderfully easy way to embrace change. As the old saying goes, if you always do what you’ve always done, then you will always get what you’ve always got.
So is it time for some glorious colour and print for you too? I think so…….
You’ll be amazed how colour and print can change your whole outlook for your day.